Samstag, Februar 03, 2007

Young Korean Artists!!

Omg today Cathrin, Pei Wen and me we were at a piano concert where 4 Korean piano students were on stage.
The first one, Kisu Bang played Beethoven. Was quite nice. Well. I didnt like the way he moved his hand while playing. It sounded good..but the technic wasn't there.

The second one, a girl was much better. She played a Chanonne by Bach and Busoni. Actually it was composed for the violine, but the notes were transformed to piano.

Then there was break. Gosh, and the woman who I saw sitting in the was really the one i thought she were!!! NABOKO!!! Naboko is a japanese woman, a piano teacher with a wonderful character.

I know her from the Chinese class. But she didn't go there for some months because the had a lot of concerts and she even went to China and Japan to teach students there! So she had chinese lessons by Laoshi Zhou alone. For learning chinese terms like "relax your hand" or stuff. We talke a while (In meantime Cathrin and Peiwen were upstairs talking with the Vietnamese Guys :D)

So she asked about the guys in our Chinese class. I told her that Lotti does not going well..ThatI was at Kai's office, doing my practical work..She asked me, how it was. I told her it was brilliant. Then she smiled, put her hand over my shoulder and said: "Now I can tell you..Remember us driving in my car about one year ago? I told u that Kai has a Office and what he is doing there. U were really thrilled and just mentioned that..uh in one year there is practical work in your school, and that it would be nice to work maybe at Kai's. You know what? I already asked him one year ago, if he would let u work in his office. And he agreed!!"
Oh My God! I was really speechless! Thanks to her, it was possible for me to make my p-work there!!! Naboko is a really really special person. Really nice and just loveable! I got her business card and the 2nd part of the concert I was only grinning around and looking and this card.
At the end, the vietnamese guys wanted to invite U all :D to a party O.o" And one guy wanted to have our mobile nr and then the e-mail address to contact us (or only just cathy? ) to get the pictures haha..
Afterwards Cathrin go inside the bus without a valid ticket :D She was a nervous wreck x'D haha..U had just to call her with a lowered voice and she was like: WHAT? omg . WHAT?
U just wanted to show her where the Music-Highschool was
Then Cathrin left and Peiwen and me bought something to drink / eat.
Tomorrow I will go to the Kuppelsaal with her. Cool!
Bye bye
It was a nice evening!


I feel undescribable sad now. Dunno why.
At least today night there is a concert of young korean pianists..

Donnerstag, Februar 01, 2007

Asja ist die tollste Witze-Erzählerin :D

Der tollste Witz! Besonders lustig, wenn man ihn kennt, und schon etwa 30 mal gehört hat
"Mitten auf einer Weide ist ein Zaun, auf der einen Seite stehen 3 Schafe, auf der anderen ein Ochse. Am ersten Tag sagt das erste Schaf:"Mischipischi, komm doch mal rüber und spiel mit uns!!" Sagt Mischipischi:" Ich würde ja gerne..aber es geht nicht, der Zaun ist zu hoch!" Sagt am zweiten Tag das zweite Schaf:"Mischipischi, komm doch rüber! Du stehst da so alleine..!" Sagt Mischipischi wieder:"Geht nicht, der Zaun ist zu hoch!" Am nächsten Morgen kommen die Schafe auf die Weide und sehen Mischipischi auf ihrer Seite stehen. Sagt das dritte Schaf:"Mensch Mischipischi, wie hast du das denn geschaft? Mischipischi: "Ich bin nicht mehr Mischipischi, mein Pischi hängt am Zaun!" höhöhöhö.

Mein Bebí ist weg..

Und ich bin wieder allein allein...
Ein längerer Post folgt..

ELG - 2nd Part

Yay, so I'll try to write in English :D Cuz its muuuch cooler, and then anybody can understand me . So 2day was my last "Praktikums" - day. Well..whats Praktikum in English? Lets ask the omniscient LEO.
Mhm..Its "Practical Course" Or P. training.. well..o.k sounds a bit "stokelig"
So, again I will start with some pictures ..... tadaa....
So, this is (obviously) me :D Working hard in front of the lap top :D A bit hairy, cuz of the SNOW fallen today. ^^
After 2 weeks in the ELG-Co. i really got to know the personality of this DELL laptop. At the beginning it was really hard for me to get used to the keyboard..which was a bit different. But now, although this Laptop isn't the best one, i think i have some tender feelings for this electronical thing *-*. Yay. I know, that after the first log in, u have to start Firefox and Outlook, and then u have to click on "Change the User" and log in again. After this, every program will work perfectly.. x'D I should tell Yimin this secret :D She complained a lot about this laptop. She thinks, that this Notebook doesnt like her at all.

So here comes...YIMIN!!!
She is really nice *-* I think, cuz of her, I also improved my English aswell.She offered to pratice some Chinese with me - if I have time and if I feel like learning ^.^
And I got presents, too :D hehe..Cathrin, we are reeeeaaaallyyy cool ****-****

Present No 1 **_** I mean, its a bit simple - but I am sure, I can learn a lot with this book!! *_*
Its really useful for reading & writing. hehe.. I am really thankful for this book

Aaaannnd I got 50 € !!! **_** I was so damn suprised and speechless! Really! They said, I worked really hard, and helped them a lot. *_* and I was really shy but thankful hahaha :D
They told me, I can come by - whenever I want. Whenever I am close-by. They all were really great. But like Cathy already mentioned, the first days were the horror. But now, I am really sad, that these 2 weeks are definetly over.
But hey!
I'll come back :D
They won't get rid of me!!!! wuahahahhahah...
~ Workalholic Lina ~

Donnerstag, Januar 25, 2007

Mein Praktikumsbetrieb

Kai bevorzugt ja das Wort "Unternehmen" Ok, nehmen wir das ^.^
Ich werde mi kurzfassen: Büddesehr, das hier ist der alte Schlachthof, wird nun von der ELG als Lager benutzt..riecht immernoch ein wenig modrig und so dadrin...naja..^.^groß & billig.
Das is Xiaopeng ^.^ Der meinte auch, man könnte sicherlich auch Partys hier feiern hahahahahha...bloß ein wenig..uhm ungemütlich?? x'D Aber ein Vorteil, so würden die Nachbarn da ni klopfen... :-( [ War bei ihnen, heute Abend..deswegen x'D"]
C'est Kai :D Grad beschäftigt mit Packeten rausbringen und so ^^

Und das ist im Büro..leider ist das Foto von Yimin ein wenig verwackelt..Weil i ni so freakig rüberkommen wollte, so als ob ich ständig Fotos machen würde und so ^.^""" hehe...Ich mach morgen, zum "Abschied" nochmal welche.."Abscheid" weil..naja,..gehe schon davon aus, die alle noch ein paar mal zu sehen :-)
Nette 2 Wochen,
Sogar Gerland war gar ni so, wie ich es dachte. Wow.
[Und 10.000 andere in der Zeit entwickelte Spitznamen^.^]
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